About HolyNode

Effortless TRC20 Transactions

Register on HolyNode, fund your account, and use our API to receive the required assets, energy, or bandwidth for seamless TRC20 transfers at half the regular cost.


Lower Fees

Enjoy TRC20 transfers at half the regular cost with HolyNode.


Fast Processing

Get the required energy, bandwidth, or assets instantly via our API.


Reliable Transactions

Ensure seamless TRC20 transfers with our secure and efficient service.


Always Available

HolyNode operates 24/7, ensuring uninterrupted access to resources.

TRC20 Efficiency

Why Choose HolyNode?

Register once, fund your account, and enjoy half-cost TRC20 transfers through our seamless API integration. Get instant energy/bandwidth allocation for your smart contract transactions.

50% Cost Savings

Pay only half the regular network fees for all TRC20 transfers through our optimized energy allocation system.

Instant Activation

Get immediate bandwidth allocation through our API - no waiting periods for transaction processing.

Seamless API

Easy-to-integrate REST API for automated energy management and transaction processing in your applications.

Secure Transactions

Military-grade encryption ensures all your transactions and API calls remain completely secure.


Smart balance monitoring automatically tops up your energy reserves when needed.

24/7 Support

Round-the-clock technical support for all your TRC20 transaction needs and API integration.

Trusted by companies around the world

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Get in touch with our support team if you still can’t find your answer.